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Warming Winter Cuts Off a Sweet Wine Tradition in Germany

EntertainmentWarming Winter Cuts Off a Sweet Wine Tradition in Germany

BERLIN — The tradition has persisted in what is now Germany for nearly two centuries, through wars, epidemics and revolutions. Before dawn on the bitterest of winter mornings, vintners harvest grapes that are frozen on the vine, pressing them before they thaw to produce a tiny quantity of exquisitely concentrated sweet white wine.

But this winter, for the first time the German wine industry can recall, a cold enough morning simply never came.

“This year will go in down in history,” said Ernst Büscher, a spokesman for the German Wine Institute, a trade group for German vintners that concluded last month that there would be no 2019 German vintage of the sweet specialty known as ice wine.

While climate change is causing uncertain and chaotic weather worldwide, Germany has experienced a clear trend toward warmer winters, according to Peter Hoffmann of the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research. The changes have wreaked havoc with everything from winter sports to riverboat journeys.

In 1982 the wine was given its own German “predicate” designation, meaning its production follows tight guidelines. Canada is now the world’s largest producer of ice wines, but the most famous (and expensive) come from Germany.

The German version has been increasingly rare and endangered for several years now.

This year, as it does every year, Schloss Vollrads left a few of its grapes — less than 1 percent — past the autumn harvest in the hopes of a particularly cold night. They were one of about 40 to 50 vineyards in the area to do so.

But as in the previous seven years, Mr. Bengel was unable to harvest suitable grapes. Schloss Vollrads is one of several vineyards having such troubles.

The dearth has led to a spike in prices, with a half-bottle of ice wine from the Schloss Vollrads going for at least 100 euros, or roughly $110. The rarity encourages vintners to keep trying to produce the wine, despite increasingly difficult conditions, according to the Wine Institute, which keeps a tally of those who leave grapes on the vine for the winter harvest.

“I’m old enough to remember the 80s, when we made very good ice wine year after year,” Mr. Bengel said.

Dr. Hoffmann of the Potsdam Institute says that while climate change led to more extreme local weather events, winter temperatures in Germany were following a clear trend.

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