An article on Page 8 about Philip Glass misidentifies the choreographer of the original production of Mr. Glass’s opera “Einstein on the Beach.” It was Andrew de Groat, not Lucinda Childs; Ms. Childs, who appeared in “Einstein” and performed her own solo dance, remade the group choreography for later revivals. The article also mischaracterizes the arrangement by which “Einstein” came to the Metropolitan Opera in 1976. It was a co-presentation with the Met, not a rental of its theater. The article also carries an incorrect dateline. It was reported from Stanford University, which is in Stanford, Calif., not Palo Alto.
An article on Page 16 about the artist and filmmaker Lynn Hershman Leeson misstates the location of Ms. Leeson’s ZKM retrospective in 2014. It was at ZKM in Germany, not in Switzerland.
An article last Sunday about the landscape architect Frederick Law Olmsted misstated the name of the fund that supported the restoration of the Derby Arboretum. It was the National Lottery Heritage Fund, not the National Heritage Lottery Fund. The article also misstated the year when the Chirk Castle was sold. It was 1978, not 1981. And a picture with the article was published in error. The image shows Olmsted’s son Frederick Law Olmsted Jr., not Olmsted himself.
An article on Oct. 27 about hotel programs that help place dogs with new owners misstated the name of the city near the Westin Mission Hills hotel. It is Palm Springs, Calif., not Palm Springs Valley.
A report last Sunday about the wedding of Cheryl Ann McCullagh and Conor Cassidy misstated the groom’s surname in one instance. He is Mr. Cassidy, not Mr. McCullagh.
A biographical note on Oct. 27 with the Otherworldly column misstated the title of a short story written by the columnist, Amal El-Mohtar. It is “Seasons of Glass and Iron,” not “Seasons of Glass and Wine.”
The True Crime roundup on Oct. 27 misstated the age of Ramona Wilson, an Indigenous girl who vanished in British Columbia in 1994 and whose remains were found a year later. She was 16 at the time of her disappearance, not 15.
The Inside the List column last Sunday misstated the best-seller ranking of “Olive, Again,” by Elizabeth Strout, on the hardcover fiction list. It debuted at No. 6, not No. 4.
Errors are corrected during the press run whenever possible, so some errors noted here may not have appeared in all editions.
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