1 Which of the following supplements has been shown to improve skin elasticity, hydration and dermal collagen density in older women?
- Vitamin D2
- Calcium
- Probiotics
- Collagen
Oral collagen supplements have been shown to improve skin elasticity, hydration and collagen density in the dermis of older women. Learn more.
2 In 2011, when the U.S. Supreme Court indemnified vaccine makers against lawsuits for vaccine injuries, the Court also ruled that government licensed vaccines are:
- “Unavoidably unsafe”
Congress officially acknowledged that vaccines can injure and kill in the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act of 1986, and the U.S. Supreme Court ruled in 2011 that government licensed vaccines are “unavoidably unsafe.” Today, well-referenced, factual information about vaccine risks and failures is automatically labeled as “misinformation” so it can be censored. Learn more.
- “Unequivocally safe for all”
- “Unsafe under all circumstances”
- “Probably safe”
3 The following neurotoxin — known to cause cognitive and behavioral deficits — is still commonly found in homes built before 1978:
- Methylmercury
- Lead
The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development estimates as many as 24 million U.S. residences built before 1978 still contain lead, a potent neurotoxin known to cause cognitive and behavioral deficits. Learn more.
- Asbestos
- Radon
4 The following is one of the best things you can say to someone struggling with a cancer diagnosis:
- Cheer up. Everything will be OK
- Everything happens for a reason; it’s all part of a greater plan
- This must be a hard thing to go through
Former cancer patients recommend not trying to relate to their suffering by comparing it to something you’ve experienced, telling them to look for the silver lining or suggesting that everything happens for a reason. Instead, ask what they need and offer help. “This must be a hard thing to go through” acknowledges their suffering and opens the door to let them talk about their fears and concerns. Learn more.
- I know just how you feel. My mother went through the same thing two years ago
5 It’s important to consider the purpose your new evergreen plants will serve in your garden since:
- Some prefer acidic soil and others alkaline soil
- They come in a variety of sizes from 1 foot tall to well over 60 feet
- Some prefer to be out of strong wind and others provide a windbreak
- All of the above
It’s important to consider the purpose your new evergreen plants will serve in your garden since they don’t all prefer the same type of soil, some are dwarf plants and others grow well over 60 feet tall and some varieties must be kept out of strong wind. Learn more.
6 Common threats to public health include
- the wide use of statins
- fluoride in drinking water
- the wide use of high fructose corn syrup
- all of the above
Fluoride in drinking water, high fructose corn syrup and the overuse of statins represent serious threats to public health. Learn more.
7 Which of the following appears to be a significant contributor to autism, and needs to be addressed if you have a child with autism?
- Electromagnetic field (EMF) exposure
EMF exposure appears to be a significant contributor to autism, and many children improve when EMF exposures are addressed and minimized. Learn more.
- Vitamin A and E deficiency
- Glycine overload
- Exercise deficiency